featured collection: Out of this World!
My Magical Universe by Salli S. Swindell
Hudson, OH, US
ssr电脑版下载使用ssr退出后,电脑能连上无线网,但是不能上网的解决 ...:2021-4-20 · 我的电脑是windows 10系统,前几天使用ssr后,不知道是ssr退出方式不对还是怎么了,在之后电脑能连接上无线网,但是网络时有时无,无的时间多,及其不稳定,后来尝试了几种方法才解决了这 …
Mahwah, NJ, US
Read More...A 2nd part to my previous constellation map, this time Spring & Summer - I decided to make this one brighter and full of stars. I always felt like the Summer skies were fuller of stars, but that could just be me :)
Seattle, Washington, US
Read More...A look at what a tour to the moon might be like in future. The moon map, Apollo facts and artifacts are true, but the Dome Hotel, tours and some transport options are not, I'm afraid, sorry :)
Portland, Maine, US
Read More...A little depiction of my new version of life: home, coffee, cooking and a few more details...

Since most travel plans are a fantasy anyway, we are challenging you to stretch your imagination as far as possible—beyond the stratosphere! 100 favorites will be published in the next TDAT Book!
Read the details to play along!

Buy Salli & Nate's entire collection of 16 hand-drawn fonts for only $32. That's 2 bucks per font. Total bargain! (For personal and commercial use, but not for re-sale).
See samples of all the fonts on the TDAC Shop.

Announcing Illustrators For Hire: a global list of freelance illustrators presented by Salli & Nate, co-founders of this site and sibling site They Draw & Cook!
Check out Illustrators For Hire!
You'll like what you see!
In May 2025, we are asked everyone to document their pandemic experience.
See the 114 amazing results!

Dushi Curazao by Vero Parra
Atlanta, GA, USSSR 路由器客户端下载、安装及使用教程(openwrt ...:我伞前面介绍过SSR的Windows客户端、安卓手机客户端、苹果手机客户端。这些设备的SSR客户端,一般只能保证当前设备科学上网需求。如果想要所有局域网设备,无需一 一设置,自动实现科学上网,那么有效的途径就是在路由器上安装SSR客户端,实现局域网所有设备科学上网。

Linear System by ssr电脑版下载
Midway, ut, USA monoline illustration of our solar system.

Dallas, Texas, USCOVID CHRONICLES is a few tidbits that I have experienced during the Covid-19 quarantine. It's been odd. I haven't really left my house since March. It doesn't seem that I will be leaving my house any time soon either.

Mapping this Moment: This Asian in Times of Corona by Elaine Vitikainen
Helsinki, FIA fun twist to the pandemic when most of my work got cancelled!

Searching for Sweet Space in Outer Space by Annelieke Hooymans
Breda, NLV2rayN电脑客户端使用v2ray节点教程 – ssr节点:2021-6-14 · 提供免费最新SSR节点分享,SS节点账号分享,ssr节点教程,用于科学上网、学习与交流使用。 V2rayN电脑客户端设置教程,v2rayN 是Windows平台上一款基于v2ray核心的简洁好用、功能强大的v2ray客户端,支持Vmess、Shadowsocks、Socks5等 ...

电脑下载ssr by Cata Adelgoss-Mejia
Nürnberg, Bayern, DEin times of COVID19, I want to be in a world without internet, to not read so much worrying news, I want to go back to the essence, to the basics. I want health for everyone, love and I want to return to the best memories of my childhood, where I was very happy. I want to be in a world where I can enjoy my grandfather, who left this world 27 years ago and I miss him.

Summer Triangle by ssr电脑版下载
Bologna, ITA journey to discover the summer triangle, a wonderful portion of the sky!

Helsinki, FIWith social distancing and travel restrictions in place, friends (whether people or animals) can always walk creatively together in an imaginary setting in the amazing space!

Solar System Kit by Giulia Borghi
Bologna, ITA complete kit to travel in the solar system!

Cool Buildings in My Home Town of Marblehead, Massachusetts by LindaEnrico
Marblehead , Massachusetts, US电脑上怎么使用SSR(演示Windows,Mac同理)-创意视频 ...:2021-1-11 · 电脑上怎么使用SSR(演示Windows,Mac同理) 是在伢酷播出的创意视频高清视频,于2021-01-05 23:15:15上线。视频内容简介:电脑上怎么使用SSR(演示Windows,Mac同理)